Misner, Charles WThe body of this essay was written not long after the first detection of colliding black holes at LIGO. [The abstract was written in 2022.] Due to old age and chronic illness, I have not been able to revise it for conventional publication with appropriate mention of related ideas.This note is directed to scientists who intend to help wide audiences better understand current science progress. It sketches, in mostly qualitative descriptions, what is known about simple black holes. It describes black holes when they are no longer importantly interacting with other astronomical objects. Thus, it does not explore black holes seen to be currently acquiring mass by absorbing ordinary matter in accretion disks. Nor do I try to explain how matter just outside the black hole horizon can be expelled in violent jets powered by the energy stored in the gravitational fields of rotating black holes. Brief descriptions of simple black holes explain that BHs can be formed from ordinary matter in large stars that find no non-gravitational forces sufficient to overcome the intense gravity of extremely large masses at extreme densities. Where this note differs is when the simple descriptions suggest that, after forming and entering beyond the BH horizon, the collapsing matter is crushed beyond the scope of current physics nearly into a point, inside the BH, that we can’t observe. I insist that, instead, the matter is crushed and then disposed of by being flushed out of our universe in a tube of huge and increasing spatial length. A mathematical appendix explores this idea in a little detail. I suggest that many low curvature spacetime regions inside the BH are very robust consequences of Einstein’s equations and require a new vocabulary in their description. There I choose analog words to present my viewpoint. I find a use for phrases such as: nothingness; enzymatic matter; phase transitions; recuse; autonomic spacetime creation.en-USBlack HolesGeneral RelativityEinstein Gravity EquationsReorganizing NothingnessArticle