Hammamy, Ranwa DiaaThe purpose of this investigation was to determine the impact of the University of Maryland's "Responsible Action Protocol." Judicial records were evaluated to determine if calls for medical assistance increased after the protocol. Descriptive summaries indicated that the number of calls in the semester following the RAP was double the average of the previous six semesters. While there was no variation in calls prior to the RAP (&chi;<super>2</super> = 4.346, p = .501, df = 5), the post-RAP Fall 2009 semester added significant variation (&chi;<super>2</super>2 = 25.069, p < .001, df = 6). Student focus groups were used to evaluate student reaction to the protocol. Students seemed unaware of the RAP's provisions, and stated its language prevented them from trusting the protocol. Students further indicated the university alcohol education was not relevant and did not provide information regarding alcohol poisoning. The findings suggest that the RAP and the university's alcohol education programming will need revisions to increase their impact."Promoting Responsible Action in Medical Emergencies": Determining the Impact of a New University of Maryland Alcohol ProtocolThesisHealth Sciences, Public HealthEducation, HigherAlcoholCollegeGood SamaritanMedical AmnestyPolicyStudents