Liu, HanyuChirality, the property of objects possessing non-superimposable mirror images, initially identified and explored in organic and biological molecules, has gained growing interests in the realm of inorganic nanomaterials due to its foreseeable applications in the fields such as Enantiochemistry, Nanophotonics, Spintronics. In the first segment of this dissertation, we demonstrate a bottom-up synthetic strategy to induce chirality in plasmonic nanoparticles and hybrid plasmonic-semiconductor nanostructures. Subsequently, we detail a simplified analytical coupled-oscillators model to facilitate the understanding of plasmonic-chiral coupling and predict various chiroptical responses based on different coupling strengths, validated through finite element method simulations. Furthermore, advancements in characterizing nanoscale chirality with high spatial resolution at the single nanoparticle level are explored using a novel polarization-dependent optical atomic force microscopy technique, overcoming resolution limits in far field measurements. Finally, we demonstrate the employment of nanoscale chirality to induce spin polarization and enable unique nanoscale chiral Floquet engineering.enUNDERSTANDING AND CONTROLLING NANOSCALE CHIRALITY: MATERIALS SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATIONS, MODELING AND APPLICATIONSDissertationPhysicsChiralityNanomaterial