McDermott, JermainLet $f$ be a polynomial or a rational function over a field $K$. Arithmetic dynamics studies the algebraic and number-theoretic properties of its iterates $f^n:=f \circ f \circ ... \circ f$.\\ A basic question is, if $f$ is a polynomial, are these iterates irreducible or not? We wish to know what can happen when considering iterates of a quadratic $f= x^2+r\in K[x]$. The most interesting case is when $r=\frac{1}{c}$, which we will focus on, and discuss criteria for irreducibility, i.e. \emph{stability} of all iterates. We also wish to prove that if 0 is not periodic under $f$, then the number of factors of $f^n$ is bounded by a constant independent of $n$, i.e. $f$ is \emph{eventually stable}. This thesis is an extension to $\Qi$ of the paper \cite{evstb}, which considered $f$ over $\mathbb{Q}$. This thesis involves a mixture of ideas from number theory and arithmetic geometry. We also show how eventual stability of iterates ties into the density of prime divisors of sequences.enEventually Stable Quadratic Polynomials over Q(i)DissertationMathematics