Xing, ChunhuiThis paper documents Xing's research and creative process of building Equinox & Solstice, an abbreviated evening-length dance production performed in the Dance Theater at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center March 9-11, 2018 as requirement for the Master of Fine Arts Dance program at the University of Maryland’s School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies. With a foundation in Chinese classical dance, new found freedom of modern dance, and a drive to create his unique aesthetic that would appeal to many by building bridges and connecting individuals, Xing incorporates movement research, technique training, and social evaluation to define a vision. He then chronicles his creative process from concept to performance, defining his thought process and interactions with designers and dancers, weaving his personal story to provide context and insight for his decisions and thought processes.enEQUINOX & SOLSTICEThesisDanceChinese Classical DanceChinese DanceChinese Dance in AmericaChinese Dance in United StatesChunhui XingEquinox and Solestice