Doerrler, AndrewThe transition between the Ediacaran and Cambrian periods witnessed the fall of the enigmatic Ediacara biota. The cause of their extinction is poorly understood, but the timing broadly coincides with a significant negative ẟ13C anomaly, the BAsal Cambrian Carbon isotope Excursion (BACE). These macroscopic organisms were likely tolerant of anoxic conditions, so oceanic oxidation may have been a kill mechanism. This study utilizes uranium isotopes, sulfur isotopes, and cerium anomalies to understand oceanic redox conditions from two BACE sections in Siberia, as well as lithium isotopes to constrain weathering intensity. Reconstruction of seawater ẟ238U values from equivalent evaporite and carbonate-dominated successions indicate a notable increase in oxygen during the event supporting the oxidation hypothesis. Global sea level fall and evaporite formation suggest that seawater salinity increased dramatically along continental margins, which may provide an alternative osmotic kill mechanism for the softbodied Ediacaran biota. Support for the salinity hypothesis comes from profound ẟ7Li and ẟ34S compositions of carbonate and pyrite, respectively, which arguably resulted from the distillation of lithium and sulfate from seawater into evaporite-rich lithologies.enGEOCHEMICAL INDICATORS OF REDOX AND WEATHERING ACROSS THE EDIACARAN-CAMBRIAN TRANSITION IN SIBERIAThesisGeochemistryGeologyGeobiologyCarbon IsotopesEdiacaranLithium IsotopesUranium Isotopes