Nguyen, Long BaoThis thesis reports recent achievements toward scalable quantum computing with fluxonium, a superconducting artificial atom with rich energy spectrum and selection rules similar to those found in natural atoms. We show how such spectral properties can be harnessed to protect the qubit from energy relaxation and dephasing. At half-integer flux quantum bias, we show that fluxonium’s |0〉→ |1〉qubit transition has high coherence by design, with T1, T2≈500 μs in one device, the highest reported in superconducting circuits so far. Yet, the qubit exhibits the same level of addressability found in more conventional superconducting qubits (Tgate<50 ns). In addition, a controlled-Z gate can be implemented by sending a short2π-pulse at a frequency near the |1〉→|2〉transition of the target qubit. Preliminary results suggest that this gate can be used to entangle two fluxonium qubits with high fidelity. We also discuss experimental techniques employed to characterize the qubits, and present a perspective on future fluxonium-based quantum technologies.enToward the Fluxonium Quantum ProcessorDissertationPhysicsQuantum physicsComputingFluxoniumQuantum