Curry, Tiphane' PatriceThe purpose of this exploratory study was to understand how Black women make meaning of HIV/AIDS communication. This study combines Black feminist epistemology with the situational theory of publics in an examination of Black females' meaning making of HIV/AIDS communication. Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with Black women under the age of 35. Findings suggest targeted publics may choose not to process messages because they feel the messages inaccurately represent their identity, or not to seek information because they do not want to face judgment from others who associate their identity with a health problem because of targeted messages. This study added to the situational theory of publics by proposing an emerging model describing the relationship between identity and the variables of the situational theory.en-USBlack women's meaning-making of HIV/AIDS campaigns: A Black feminist approach to the impact of race on the reception of targeted health communicationThesisMass Communicationspublic relationstargeted campaignswomen's healthHIV/AIDS