Mintz, Abigail D.Parental psychopathology has consistently emerged as an important risk factor for negative developmental outcomes in children with ADHD; yet, this literature has focused almost exclusively on mothers. The few studies that do focus on fathers have identified significant associations between paternal psychopathology and child conduct problems (CP). This study sought to replicate these findings among families of children with ADHD and to extend prior research by considering paternal involvement as a potential moderator. Direct relationships between paternal psychopathology and child CP were not found. However, paternal involvement moderated the relationship between paternal ADHD and child CP. For involved fathers, these two variables were positively correlated, which suggests that children whose fathers are both involved and display psychopathology may be at higher risk for concurrent CP.Associations Between Paternal Psychopathology and Conduct Problems in Children with ADHDThesisPsychology, ClinicalADHDChildrenConduct ProblemsPaternal