Lin, HongyuOxycodone seeking progressively increases during abstinence and maintains for an extended period, a phenomenon termed incubation of oxycodone craving. We previously found that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) plays a causal role in this incubation. Here, we aimed to identify critical downstream regions of OFC in incubation of oxycodone craving by focusing on the central to medial portion of the dorsal striatum (DS), based on previous anatomical evidence. We first measured projection-specific activation on abstinence day 15 seeking test by using cholera toxin b (retrograde tracer, injected into DS) +Fos (activity marker) double-labeling in the OFC. Next, we determined the effect of pharmacological reversible inactivation of DS on incubated oxycodone seeking on abstinence day 15. We then used an anatomical asymmetrical disconnection procedure to determine whether OFC to DS projections contribute to incubated oxycodone seeking.enROLE OF PROJECTIONS FROM ORBITOFRONTAL CORTEX TO DORSAL STRIATUM IN INCUBATION OF OXYCDONE CRAVINGThesisNeurosciencesCognitive psychologyBiologyDorsal striatumDrug addictionOrbitofrontal cortexOxycodone relapse