Morris, Jake SharlinAs the global environment becomes increasingly unstable, our role in the ecosystem has become more critical than ever. By becoming stewards of the environment we can ensure a healthy world for future generations of humans and wildlife alike. This thesis will focus on the Potomac River ecosystem and how a center for conservation and wildlife rehabilitation can engage and educate the public with the ecosystem they rely upon so heavily. Architecture defines our physical environment yet its influence is not bound to humanity, rather it has a defining role and impact on the greater ecosystem. Developing a design that works to remediate its site while simultaneously instilling a sense of environmental empathy on a communal scale can successfully begin the imperative process of revitalizing the Potomac River.enOur Wild: Architecture Catalyzing Ecological Revitalization of the PotomacThesisArchitectureEnvironmental studiesEcologyArchitectureEcosystemJake MorrisPotomacRiverWildlife