Register, Austin VanWith the present issue of climate change, dangerous flooding events will become an issue that many communities must grapple with. New Orleans is one such city with a long history of inundation. After Katrina, neighborhoods were devastated by a failure of the levee system. This caused many residents to reflect on the viability of a city in constant danger of flooding. Investigating how communities in the past handled flooding events will help inform a path forward. The Louisiana region has a rich history of building vernaculars and settlement patterns. Comparing the strategies used by deltaic communities that share similar issues to New Orleans can inform a settlement pattern that addresses the unique challenges that the city faces. This thesis aims to create a neighborhood plan that addresses the unique climatic factors of East New Orleans, while creating a more cohesive community within the disjointed settlements.enRETHINKING DEVELOPMENT IN EAST NEW ORLEANSThesisDesignEnvironmental studiesHistory