Brown, RogerThis thesis is a collection of three separate projects ordered according to the historical development of atomic physics, covering first spectroscopy, then laser cooling, and finally the exploration of quantum dynamics of many-particle states of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. We begin with a description of the theory of atomic line shapes with unresolvable hyperfine structure. We apply this theory to experimentally measured spectra of the Lithium D lines and report improved determination of the absolute transition frequencies and an improved bound of the difference in 6Li-7Li nuclear charge radius. We then discuss multi-photon processes in laser cooling and report experimental implementation of multi-photon laser cooling and magneto optical trapping using short lived excited to excited transitions in 133Cs. We present a theoretical proposal to laser cool (Anti-) Hydrogen using a Doppler selective 1S-2S excitation and the Sisyphus effect on the 2S-3P transition. Finally, we detail the construction and operation of an ultracold 87Rb apparatus with a double well optical lattice. We use this lattice to prepare excited many-body states with NĀ“eel antiferromagnetic order and to study the resulting non-equilibrium magnetization dynamics. We observe regimes where the dynamics is dominated by superexchange mediated magnetic interactions.enNONEQUILIBRIUM MANYBODY DYNAMICS WITH ULTRACOLD ATOMS IN OPTICAL LATTICES AND SELECTED PROBLEMS IN ATOMIC PHYSICSDissertationAtomic physics