Bayer, Teresa AnnArtistic adaptation is most often defined as the process of transporting or transforming a particular work of theatre to a different location, time period, or situation. This choice allows a play to be seen and understood in a new light, illuminating particular themes or ideas inherent to the script or story. <italic>Coffee & Biscuit</italic> is a 1950's Technicolor variation on Henrik Ibsen's <italic>A Doll's House</italic> in which we see Nora Helmer's perfect world of Hoovers and Jell-O molds topple around her. This darkly whimsical romp, featuring both puppets and live actors, is an adaptation that examines how a contemporary theatre audience can be provoked to question the gender roles constructed by society and the media."Coffee & Biscuit": A Variation on Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House"ThesisTheaterPerforming artsadaptationA Doll's Houseperformance artpuppetrytheatre