Ruffin, JohnFlagg-Newton, Jean LThe science and technology enterprise of the United States has consistently produced seminal work and cutting-edge technologies. It has responded promptly to both new opportunities and urgent crises. The success of this enterprise derives largely from the diversity of the types of institutions doing the work and from the many sources of public and private funding available to accomplish it. To those who argue that public-sector funds should support only the best science at the premier research institutions on the nation’s East and West coasts, Dr. Rita Colwell, the director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) eloquently responds, “No one region, no one group of institutions, and no special communities have a corner on the market of good and great ideas, smart people, or outstanding researchers. Great ideas can come from just about anywhere.”DisparitiesResearchMinority healthFundingNIHEPSCORBuilding Capacity for Health Disparity Research at Minority InstitutionsArticle