Bae, Geum-JooThis thesis explores the historical shifts of the United Nations world conferences on women, considering what is at stake in "thinking globally and acting locally," especially for the Korean women's movement. The following questions are addressed: How have the main issues shifted from the first conference in 1975 to the final one in 2000? What were the linkages between practical issues and epistemic discourses during this process? What kinds of power dynamics have been working in the global arena in terms of transnational feminism? In what context could diverse women's groups succeed in negotiating and producing a consensus? How has the Korean women's movement interacted with the international process? And, in conclusion, what concrete measures might Korean policymakers and women's movement activists undertake as feminists pursuing gender equality?en-USReviewing United Nations World Conferences on Women for Korean Women's EmpowermentThesisWomen's StudiesSociology, Social Structure and DevelopmentPolitical Science, International Law and RelationsUN World Conference on WomenWomen in DevelopmentGender and DevelopmentGender Mainstreaming and EmpowermentKorean Women's EmpowermentWomen's Policies in Korea