Teplin, Linda AMericle, Amy AMcClelland, Gary MAbram, Karen MHIV and AIDS are increasingly diseases of minorities and the disadvantaged.1,2 These same groups are disproportinately involved in the justice system.3 Detained youths may be at particular risk. Sexually transmitted diseases, related to HIV and AIDS,4-6 are prevalent among detained youths. Moreover, although HIV seropositivity is infrequent among detained youths,4 studies of adult detainees suggest that detained youths are at great risk for developing HIV as they age.Public HealthHIV/AidsSexual HabitsinterventionsserviceResearchHIVAIDSjuvenile detaineespublic health policyhealth policyrisk behaviorsHIV and AIDS Risk Behaviors in Juvenile Detainees: Implications for Public Health PolicyArticle