Cui, WeiweiA multidimensional extension of the generalized graded unfolding model for repeated measures (GGUM-RM) is introduced and applied to analyze attitude change across time using responses collected by a Thurstone or Likert questionnaire. The model conceptualizes the change across time as separate latent variables and provides direct estimates of both individual and group change while accounting for the dependency among latent variables. The parameters and hyperparameters of GGUM-RM are estimated by fully Bayesian estimation method via WinBUGS. The accuracy of the estimation procedure is demonstrated by a simulation study, and the application of the GGUM-RM is illustrated by the analysis of attitude change toward abortion among college students.en-USThe Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model for Assessment of Change across Repeated MeasuresDissertationEducation, Tests and MeasurementsPsychology, PsychometricsEducation, Tests and Measurementsmultidimensional IRT modelsunfolding IRT modelschange estimaterepeated measuresBayesian estimation