Steranka, KarolynConcern about PFAS containing foam fire suppression agents’ negative environmental impact motivated the U.S. Air Force to perform a two-phase feasibility analysis of water mist systems for protection of aircraft hangars. Phase I involved a feasibility analysis of COTS water mist technologies based on manufacturer specifications, literature, and previous test data. Phase I identified seven manufacturers who have developed systems with potential for successful protection of aircraft hangars. Phase II used FDS to model two low pressure and one high pressure system identified in Phase I. Phase II completed an analysis and validation simulations of the Lagrangian particle, extinction, and evaporation model in FDS. Following validation simulations each nozzle was tested in a full-scale hangar configuration for protection of a JP-8 spill fire. The results found the high-pressure mist system was able to extinguish the fire and earlier activation times lead to less damage to the aircraft and hangar compartment.enFeasibility Analysis and FDS Modeling of Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems for Protection of Aircraft HangarsThesisEngineeringAircraftCFDFDSSuppressionWater Mist