Boekeloo, Bradley O.Fish, Jessica N.Aparicio, Elizabeth M.Shin, RichardSmith-Bynum, MiaVigorito, MichaelLare, SeanUniversity of Maryland Prevention Research CenterThe Organizational LGBTQ+ Climate Assessment was created by the University of Maryland Prevention Research Center for administrators of mental and behavioral health organizations to assess the performance of their mental and behavioral health primary organization/practice in serving LGBTQ people. This assessment works best when administrators identify a specific "primary organization/practice" that is the focus for change and growth. This may be a group of service providers who share one organizational administrative system or a solo practitioner. Throughout this assessment, "organization" refers to one administrative system or solo private practice. This assessment takes 15-20 minutes to complete. To calculate domain total scores, add the score for all items under each domain. The higher the scores, the more welcoming and inclusive your organization is for LGBTQ+ and other diverse people. For additional training resources and information, please visit the UMD-PRC Resources Page and consider participating in the UMD-PRC Sexual and Gender Diversity Learning Community Certificate Program.en-USLGBTQ+mental healthorganizational assessmentUMD PRC Organizational LGBTQ+ Climate AssessmentReport