Wu, WeiqiangThis paper studies certain embedded spheres in closed affine manifolds. For n greater than or equal to 3, we investigate the dome bodies in a closed affine n-manifold M with its boundary homeomorphic to a sphere under the assumption that a developing map restricted to a component of the boundary of hat{M} is an embedding onto a strictly convex sphere in A^n. By using the recurrent property of an incomplete geodesic we show that dome bodies are compact. Then a maximal dome body is a closed solid ball bounded by a component of the boundary of hat{M}, and hence equals hat{M} . The main theorem is that the standard ball in an affine space can only bound one compact affine manifold inside, namely the solid ball.On embedded spheres of affine manifoldsDissertationMathematicsaffine structuresdeveloping and holonomydome bodiesincomplete geodesics