Meeroff, Jamie GabrielComputational fluid dynamic solutions are obtained for heat shields optimized aerothermodynamically using Newtonian impact theory. Aerodynamically, the low-order approach matches computational simulations within 10%. Benchmark Apollo 4 solutions show that predicted heat fluxes under-predict convective heating by 30% and over-predict radiative heating by 16% compared to computational results. Parametric studies display a power law reliance of convective heat flux on edge radius. A slender heat shield optimized for a single design point produces heat fluxes 1.8 times what was predicted using the Newtonian approach. Here, maximum heating decreases with the inverse cube of the base sharpness. Coupled vehicle/trajectory optimized designs are examined for lunar return (11 km/s) and Mars return (12.5 km/s) and show possible discrepancies for eccentric shapes using low-order empirical correlations. Ultimately, gains suggested by the low-order approach using complex geometries are not reflected in high-fidelity simulations. In some respects, the simpler shape is the ideal oneComputational Fluid Dynamic Solutions of Optimized Heat Shields Designed for Earth EntryThesisEngineering, AerospaceAtmospheric SciencesHigh Temperature Physicsaerothermodynamicsblunt bodyComputational Fluid Dynamicsheat shieldshypersonicsreentry