Krcmar, Andrea MariePrevious research has found a link between personality and many aspects of life, including health issues, ability to cope with stress, career satisfaction, and hearing aid satisfaction. The effects of personality in the field of speech therapy have not yet been determined. It was the purpose of this study to evaluate the effect of personality on adults' perceived benefit from speech therapy. Eleven current and former speech therapy clients participated in this study. Each were administered the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and a questionnaire assessing perceived benefit from therapy via telephone. The results indicated that personality does not affect one's perception of benefit from therapy; however, several factors may have limited the results of the study, including the small sample size and the limited number of participants who clearly fit each personality type.en-USThe Effect of Personality on Adults' Perceived Benefit of Speech Therapy: A Pilot StudyThesisHealth Sciences, Speech PathologyPersonalitySpeech therapyPerceived Benefit