Azevedo, DaniloDavis, TannerDiaz, JoseRotenberg, NiritSnyder, NoraVogel, DonaldYoung, RosalyndFinal project for ENSP400: Capstone Environmental Science and Policy (Fall 2021). University of Maryland, College Park.Through their work with the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland (UMD), the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) commissioned this report from the university’s Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS). PALS works with local jurisdictions throughout Maryland to identify projects and problems that can be taught through university courses where students focus on developing innovative, research-based solutions. The Prince George's Division of Maintenance and Development partnered with Environmental Science and Policy capstone students at the University of Maryland College Park to achieve net zero emissions, is beginning to transition its fossil fuel-based equipment to a nearly all electric fleet. Currently, the main challenge in moving forward is identifying the electric equipment that can best reach the carbon reduction goal by 2040.en-USNational Center for Smart GrowthPALSSustainabilityMarylandPrince George's Department of Parks and Recreation (PGDPR)StrategicElectric MowersLandscapeMaintenanceOperationsNet ZeroEmissionsToward Net Zero: Strategic Integration of Electric Mowers into Landscape Maintenance OperationsTechnical Report