The foraging habits and resultant functional response of American black ducks
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The American black duck (Anas rubripes) is an outcome species for the
health of the Chesapeake Bay. In order to estimate the impact that changes in
black duck habitat will have on the Bay’s wintering population, the relationship
between black ducks and the species comprising their diets must be better
understood. This study was part of a larger effort to build a comprehensive
bioenergetics model for black ducks wintering in the Chesapeake Bay. Using
black ducks as model species, functional response curves were created for five
experimental species known to be consumed by black ducks. For each curve,
three regressions representing the three types of functional response models were
run. In examining the regression fits along with using biological inferences, the
functional response types for each experimental species were determined to be
type I for softstem bulrush seeds, type II for widgeon grass, horned pondweed,
and Eastern mosquitofish, and type III for saltmarsh snails. This research was
used to determine critical foraging densities and will contribute to the
bioenergetics model that will help identify areas where conservation efforts
should be targeted in order to benefit black ducks and contribute to the overall
health of the Chesapeake Bay.