Chromatin Control of Papillomavirus Infection

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The genomes of papillomaviruses are packaged into chromatin throughout the entire viral lifecycle. A peculiar feature of papillomaviruses genome organization is that the viral DNA is associated with host histones even inside the virion particle. However, little is known about the nature of the epigenome within papillomavirions, or its biological impact on early infection. Here, we use three approaches to study the epigenome of papillomavirions. Papillomaviruses can be assembled in packaging cells by expression of the capsid proteins in the presence of the viral genome. We have optimized and manipulated this process to generate viruses with replicated and genetically modified virion DNA and have used these “quasivirions” to evaluate early infection of primary human keratinocytes. We have also profiled the histone modifications on chromatin extracted from native virions isolated from human and bovine warts. We find that, compared to host cells, the viral chromatin is enriched in histone modifications associated with transcriptionally active chromatin (including histone acetylation), and depleted in those associated with transcriptional repression. To examine the biological role of histone acetylation in the early virus lifecycle, we produced HPV quasivirions with highly acetylated chromatin by assembling the virions in cells treated with histone deacetylase inhibitors. We show that acetylation of viral chromatin results in a reduction of early viral transcription in primary keratinocytes indicating that the histone modifications on virion chromatin do influence the early stages of infection. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that histone modifications on virion chromatin are important for the HPV infectious cycle.

