Vertical Promenade | Transforming Block Island's Coastline

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The Mohegan Bluffs on Block Island’s southern coast have been a main destination for tourist and residents. However, its inaccessibility prevents many from seeing and experiencing the views and nature that it has to offer. This thesis will attempt to solve the problem of accessibility and vertical experience on Block Island’s coastline. It will address the question: can two different realms of the coastline, the top of a bluff and a beach 125 feet below, be connected in a meaningful way that creates a memorable experience along the descent? This design proposition will work fluidly with nature and integrate itself seemingly into the profile of the bluff, while incorporating sustainable design features to reduce the impact it has on its environment. This design will explore the idea of time and how architecture can begin to reveal the ecological history of the site. This design will incorporate art and exploration as an integral part of the vertical experience. It is no longer about the destination, but the sequence of events and spaces along the way that lead there.

