Browsing by Author "Salonidis, Theodoros"
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Item Distributed dynamic scheduling for end-to-end rate guarantees in wireless ad hoc networks(2004) Salonidis, Theodoros; Tassiulas, Leandros; Tassiulas, Prof. Leandros; ISR; CSHCNWe present a novel framework for the provision of deterministic end-to-end bandwidth guarantees in wireless ad hoc networks. Guided by a set of local feasibility conditions, multi-hop sessions are dynamically offered allocations, further translated to link demands. Using a distributed TDMA protocol, nodes adapt to the demand changes on their adjacent links by local, conflict-free slot reassignments. As soon as the changes stabilize, the nodes must incrementally converge to a TDMA schedule that realizes the global link (and session) demand allocation.We first identify an inherent trade-off between the degree of topology control and fraction of feasible allocations that can be captured by the local conditions. We show that tree topologies can be maximally utilized in this respect and that a converging distributed link scheduling algorithm exists in this case.
Decoupling end-to-end bandwidth allocation from link scheduling allows support of various end-to-end QoS objectives. Focusing on Available Bit Rate (ABR) service, we design an asynchronous distributed algorithm for sharing bandwidth to the sessions in a maxmin fair (MMF) manner.
Finally, we present the implementation of this framework over Bluetooth, an existing wireless technology that enables the formation of ad hoc networks. This implementation is free of the usual restrictive assumptions of previous TDMA approaches: it does not require any a-priori knowledge on the number of nodes in the network nor even network-wide slot synchronization.
Item Distributed On-Line Schedule Adaptation for Balanced Slot Allocation in Bluetooth Scatternets and other Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Architectures(2002) Tassiulas, Leandros; Salonidis, Theodoros; ISR; CSHCNIn this paper we propose an algorithm for design and on the fly modification of the schedule of an ad-hoc wireless network in order to provide fair service guarantees under topological changes. The primary objective is to derive a distributed coordination method for schedule construction and modification in Bluetooth scatternets. The algorithm proposed here has wider applicability, to any wireless ad-hoc network that operates under a schedule where the transmissions at each slot are explicitly specified over a time period of length T.First we introduce a fluid model of the system where the conflict avoidance requirements of neighboring links are relaxed while the aspect of local channel sharing is captured. In that model we propose an algorithm where the nodes asynchronously re-adjust the rates allocated to their adjacent links based only on local information. We prove that from any initial condition the algorithm finds the max-min fair rate allocation in the fluid model. Hence if the iteration is performed constantly the rate allocation will track the optimal even in regimes of constant topology changes.
Then we consider the slotted system and propose a modification method that applies directly on the slotted schedule, emulating the effect of the rate re-adjusment iteration of the fluid model. Through extensive experiments in networks with fixed and time varying topologies we show that the latter algorithm achieves balanced rate allocation in the actual slotted system that are very close to the max-min fair rates. The experiments show also that the algorithm is very robust on topology variations, with very good tracking properties of the max-min fair rate allocation.
Item Distributed Topology Organization and Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks(2004-10-05) Salonidis, Theodoros; Tassiulas, Leandros; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)An ad hoc network is a set of nodes that spontaneously form a multi-hop all-wireless infrastructure without centralized administration. We study two fundamental issues arising in this setting: topology organization and transmission scheduling. In topology organization we consider a system where nodes need to coordinate their transmissions on a non-broadcast frequency hopping channel to discover each other. We devise a symmetric technique where two nodes use a randomized schedule to synchronize and connect in minimum time. This forms the basis for a topology construction protocol where a set of initially unsynchronized nodes are quickly grouped in multiple interconnected communication channels such that the resulting topology is connected subject to channel membership constraints imposed by the physical layer. In the transmission scheduling problem we consider Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)the network operates with a schedule where at each slot transmissions can be scheduled without conflicts at the intended receivers. TDMA can provide deterministic allocations but typically relies on two restrictive assumptions: network-wide slot synchronization and global knowledge of network topology and traffic requirements. We first introduce an asynchronous TDMA communication model where slot reference for each link is provided locally by the clock of one of the node endpoints. We study the overhead introduced when nodes switch among multiple time references and propose algorithms for its minimization. We then introduce a distributed asynchronous TDMA protocol where nodes dynamically adjust the rates their adjacent links via local slot reassignments to reach a schedule that realizes a set of optimal link rates. We introduce fairness models for both links and multi-hop sessions sharing the network and devise convergent distributed algorithms for computing the optimal rates for each model. These rates are enforced by a distributed algorithm that decides the slots reassigned during each link rate adjustment. For tree topologies we introduce an algorithm that incrementally converges to the optimal schedule in finite time; for arbitrary topologies an efficient heuristic is proposed. Both topology organization and transmission scheduling protocols are implemented over Bluetooth, a technology enabling ad hoc networking applications. Through extensive simulations they demonstrate excellent performance in both static and dynamic scenarios.Item Performance issues of Bluetooth scatternets and other asynchronous TDMA ad hoc networks(2002) Salonidis, Theodoros; Tassiulas, Leandros; Tassiulas, Leandros; ISR; CSHCNIn this paper we address a practical performance issue arising inwireless ad hoc networks using time division multiple access(TDMA). This issue relates to the degradation of the networkability to allocate bandwidth when the usual assumption ofsystem-wide slot synchronicity does not hold.The problem is investigated for the case of Bluetooth, a newpromising TDMA wireless technology that enables the formation ofad hoc networks called scatternets. A scatternet does not supporta global slot synchronization mechanism. Instead, nodes aregrouped in multiple channels called piconets and each piconet usesa different time slot reference provided by a node designated asmaster. Traffic forwarding between piconets is performed in a timedivision fashion by bridge nodes that are aware of the timereferences of the piconets they participate in. Due to theinherent lack of global synchronicity, slots are wasted whenbridges switch piconet time references. This translates to abandwidth loss compared to an ideally synchronized scatternet.While the existence of this asynchronicity overhead has beenreported in previous work, there has been no effort to minimize itor even evaluate its possible extent. Nevertheless, these issuesare very important for the deployment of practical TDMA-based adhoc networks.
We consider a scatternet that allocates bandwidth to its linksusing an asynchronous periodic conflict-free TDMA schedule. Inthis setting the asynchronicity overhead is manifested as anincrease in the minimum period required to realize a demandallocation when compared to a perfectly synchronized system.
We first derive a general upper bound on the overhead of anyscatternet and demand allocation. Then we consider the problem ofminimizing the overhead given a scatternet configuration anddemand allocation on its links. We cast this as a combinatorialoptimization problem and propose two algorithms for its solution.The first algorithm reaches the optimal solution using exhaustivesearch. However this approach can be computationally prohibitivefor large problem sizes. To this end, we introduce a secondpractical heuristic algorithm of polynomial complexity. Usingsimulations, the heuristic is shown to perform very well forproblem sizes where the optimal can be computed. For large problemsizes we use the heuristic to investigate the effect of thevarious system parameters on the generated overhead and evaluateits performance with respect to the derived general upper bound.
Item Proximity Awareness and Ad Hoc Network Establishment in Bluetooth(2001) Salonidis, Theodoros; Bhagwat, Pravin; Tassiulas, Leandros; LaMaire, Richard; ISRIn recent years, wireless ad hoc networks have been a growing area of research. While there has been considerable research on the topic of routing in such networks, the topic of topology creation has not received due attention. This is because almost all ad hoc networks to date have been built on top of a single channel, broadcast-based wireless media, suchas 802.11 or IR LANs. For such networks the distance relationship between the nodes implicitly (and uniquely) determines the topology of the ad hoc network.Bluetooth is a promising new wireless technology that enables portable devices to form short-range wireless ad hoc networks and is based on a frequency hopping physical layer. This fact implies that hosts are not able to communicate unless they have previously discovered each other by synchronizing their frequency hopping patterns. Thus, even if all nodes are within direct communication range of each other, only those nodes which are synchronized with the transmitter can hear the transmission.
To support any-to-any communication, nodes must be synchronized so that the pairs of nodes (which can communicate with each other) together form a connected graph.
Using Bluetooth as an example, this paper first provides deeper insights into the issue to link establishment in frequency hopping wireless systems. It then introduces the Bluetooth Topology Costruction Protocol (BTCP), an asynchronous distributed protocol for constructing scatternets which starts with nodes that have no knowledge of their surroundings and terminates with the formation of a connected network satisfying all connectivity constraints posed by the Bluetooth technology.
To the best of our knowledge, the work presented in this paper is the first attempt at building Bluetooth scatternets using distributed logic and is quite "practical" in the sense that it can be implemented using the communication primitives offered by the Bluetooth 1.0 specifications.
Item Scalable Route Caching Methods for Networks with Many Mobile Nodes(1999) Salonidis, Theodoros; Tassiulas, Leandros; ISR; CSHCNA mobile, ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a networkwithout the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. Generally aMANET may consist of many portable devices that are characterized by processing and memorysize limitations and in practice it will not be possible for a host to keep routing informationfor all the nodes in a large network.This thesis attempts to address the scalability issue by introducing a framework and strategiesto quantify the concept of destination caching. The observation that a source host can augmentits cache's routing table by using the caches of other closely situated hosts forms the basisof our approach. We propose algorithms that determine a host's cached information by takinginto account the host's memory capacity, the network size and the number and identity of thedestinations this host needs to cache information about.
Mainly two classes of algorithms are introduced. The class of "Best State/Best Cost" algorithms(BSBC) tries to minimize the flooding cost per route discovery by keeping the most "expensive"destinations in each host's cache. However it does not impose any flooding constraints for thenon-cached destinations. The second class of LEADERS algorithms adopts a different view by relaxingon the flooding cost optimality and taking into account a maximum flooding constraint for each node.In this way, the worst flooding case is controlled since any node is guaranteed to find informationabout any destination within a pre-specified maximum distance.