March 2019 Edited by Quancheng Huang (Huang et al., 2019, JGR) An ensemble of models and data set are presented here: 1) Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ) Topography Model; 2) Anisotropy Model; 3) SS Data Set. 1. MTZ Topography Model This is a new topography model for the Mantle Transition Zone. This model is corrected for the crustal structures (CRUST 2.0), upper mantle heterogeneities (S40RTS model), and upper mantle anisotropy structures (YB13SVani model). (1) Model Files MTZ_410_depth.txt is the model file for 410 km discontinuity depth. MTZ_660_depth.txt is the model file for 660 km discontinuity depth. MTZ_thickness.txt is the model file for MTZ thickness. (2) Model Format A total number of 504 bins (1000 km radius) are used for this study. Here is the information for each column in the model files. a) MTZ_410_depth.txt: Bin Number, Longitude, Latitude, 410 Depth (km), 2 sigma of 410 Depth (km), S410S Travel Time (s), 2 sigma of S410S Travel Time (s), Raw S410S Amplitude, 2 sigma of Raw S410S Amplitude, Corrected S410S Amplitude, 2 sigma of Corrected S410S Amplitude, Number of Records, Crustal Correction (s), Tomography Correction (s), Anisotropy Correction (s) b) MTZ_660_depth.txt: Bin Number, Longitude, Latitude, 660 Depth (km), 2 sigma of 660 Depth (km), S660S Travel Time (s), 2 sigma of S660S Travel Time (s), Raw S660S Amplitude, 2 sigma of Raw S660S Amplitude, Corrected S660S Amplitude, 2 sigma of Corrected S660S Amplitude, Number of Records, Crustal Correction (s), Tomography Correction (s), Anisotropy Correction (s) c) MTZ_thickness.txt: Bin Number, Longitude, Latitude, MTZ Thickness (km), 2 sigma of MTZ Thickness (km) 2. Anisotropy Model The depth averaged synthetic shear wave splitting models computed from three surface wave models: YB13SVani (Yuan and Beghein, 2013), SL2016svA (Schaeffer et al., 2016) and 3D2017_09Sv (Debayle et al., 2016). Two depth ranges are explored: the mantle transition zone (410 - 660 km) and uppermost mantle (80 - 220 km). (1) Model Files MTZ Models: SKS_MTZ_YB13SVani.txt, SKS_MTZ_SL2016svA.txt, SKS_MTZ_3D2017-09Sv.txt Upper mantle Models: SKS_UUM_YB13SVani.txt, SKS_UUM_SL2016svA.txt, SKS_UUM_3D2017-09Sv.txt (2) Model Format The model is computed beneath each SS bounce point location (42,624 records). Here is the information for each colomn: Longitude, Latitude, Strength of Anisotropy dlnG, Fast Direction (degree) 3. SS Data Set The SS data set can be downloaded from Incorporated Research Institution for Seismology (IRIS). The SS_dataset.txt file contains the event and station information. Here is the data format for the SS_dataset.txt file: Earthquake Origin Time (yyyymmdd), Event Location, Event Latitude, Event Longitude, Event Depth (km), Station Name, Station Latitude, Station Longitude, Station Elevation, Station Elevation (km)