Read Me file for Does Homicide Decrease with Globalization Posted here is: 1.The replication dataset saved in Stata 15.1 format, called Does_Homicide Decrease_with_Globalization_Replication_Data.dta 2. The Stata do file to recreate the tables and figures in the paper, called If you do not already have the user-written commands 'qregpd', 'ppmlhdfe', 'xtsemipar', 'combomarginsplot' installed, type 'findit qregpd', 'findit ppmlhdfe', 'findit xtsemipar', 'findit combomarginsplot' within Stata and install them. Then run The code will use Does_Homicide Decrease_with_Globalization_Replication_Data.dta as input and generate both text files and Stata graphs that replicate all the tables and figures in the paper (Tables 1 and 2, Figures 1 and 2, and Supplementary Tables 2 through 6 and Figures 1 through 5). The _m variables are equal to the original variable minus the grand mean As an example: suppose the grand mean trade openness is 1.0, and the first four country-years have trade openness values of 0.8, 1.0, 1.1, and 1.5. The transformation process subtracts off the grand mean from each country’s data, so that the data read: -0.2, 0, 0.1, and 0.5. Data Definitions country: country name (WHO vital registration data) country_2: country name (WHO data) country_3: country name (WHO data without modelled estimates) country_4: country name (UNODC data) id: country identifier (WHO vital registration data) id_2: country identifier (WHO data) id_3: country identifier (WHO data without modelled estimates) id_4: country identifier (UNODC data) year: country year (WHO vital registration data) year_2: country year (WHO data) year_3: country year (WHO data without modelled estimates) year_4: country year (UNODC data) hom: homicide count (WHO vital registration data) hom_2: homicide count (WHO data) hom_3: homicide count (WHO data without modelled estimates) hom_4: homicide count (UNODC data) lnhr2: log homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants (WHO vital registration data) lnhr2_2: log homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants (WHO data) lnhr2_3: log homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants (WHO data without modelled estimates) lnhr2_4: log homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants (UNODC data) open: sum of import and export divided by GDP (WHO vital registration data) open_2: sum of import and export divided by GDP (WHO data) open_3: sum of import and export divided by GDP (WHO data without estimates) open_4: sum of import and export divided by GDP (UNODC data) opensqr: square term of open opensqr_2: square term of open_2 opensqr_3: square term of open_3 opensqr_4: square term of open_4 pop: population divided by 100,000 (WHO vital registration data) pop_2: population divided by 100,000 (WHO data) pop_3: population divided by 100,000 (WHO data without modelled estimates) pop_4: population divided by 100,000 (UNODC data) rgdp_ratio: GDP production side (WHO vital registration data) rgdp_ratio_2: GDP production side (WHO data) rgdp_ratio_3: GDP production side (WHO data without estimates) rgdp_ratio_4: GDP production side (UNODC data) cgdp_ratio: GDP consumption side (WHO vital registration data) cgdo_ratio_2: GDP consumption side (WHO data) cgdp_ratio_3: GDP consumption side (WHO data without estimates) cgdp_ratio_4: GDP consumption side (UNODC data) lnethnic: log ethnic fractionalization (WHO vital registration data) lnethnic_2: log ethnic fractionalization (WHO data) lnethnic_3: log ethnic fractionalization (WHO data without modelled estimates) lnethnic_4: log ethnic fractionalization (UNODC data) lnlinguistic: log linguistic fractionalization (WHO vital registration data) lnlinguistic_2: log linguistic fractionalization (WHO data) lnlinguistic_3: log linguistic fractionalization (WHO data without modelled estimates) lnlinguistic_4: log linguistic fractionalization (UNODC data) lnreligious: log religious fractionalization (WHO vital registration data) lnreligious_2: log religious fractionalization (WHO data) lnreligious_3: log religious fractionalization (WHO data without modelled estimates) lnreligious_4: log religious fractionalization (UNODC data) lnmistry: log misery index (WHO vital registration data) lnmistry_2: log misery index (WHO data) lnmistry_3: log misery index (WHO data without estimates) lnmistry_4: log misery index (UNODC data) SWID_Gini: Standardized World Income Inequality Database gini (WHO vital registration data) SWID_Gini_2: Standardized World Income Inequality Database gini (WHO data) SWID_Gini_3: Standardized World Income Inequality Database gini (WHO data without modelled estimtates) SWID_Gini_4: Standardized World Income Inequality Database gini (UNODC data) youth_match: percent youth population (WHO vital registration data) youth_match_2: percent youth population (WHO data) youth_match_3: percent youth population (WHO data without modelled estimates) youth_match_4: percent youth population (UNODC data) urban_match: percent urban population (WHO vital registration data) urban_match_2: percent urban population (WHO data) urban_match_3: percent urban population (WHO data without modelled estimates) urban_match_4: percent urban population (UNODC data) De-Meaned Variables (_m indicates de-meaned variables) open_m: sum of import and export divided by GDP (WHO vital registration data) open_m_2: sum of import and export divided by GDP (WHO data) open_m_3: sum of import and export divided by GDP (WHO data without estimates) open_m_4: sum of import and export divided by GDP (UNODC data) open_msqr: square term of open_m open_msqr_2: square term of open_m_2 open_msqr_3: square term of open_m_3 open_msqr_4: square term of open_m_4