PROJECT NAME Dataset for "Stratigraphic Evidence for Early Martian Explosive Volcanism in Arabia Terra" TECHNICAL CONTACT INFORMATION NAME JACOB RICHARDSON INSTITUTION UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EMAIL JACOBGEO@UMD.EDU AUTHORS Jacob Richardson Patrick Whelley Alexandra Matiella Novak DATE CREATED January 11, 2021 SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION SITE A DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES G21_026323_2056_XN_25N019W G22_026811_2052_XN_25N019W Extents: Min. Lat.: 24d 4'46.24"N Min. Lon.: 19d45'27.37"W Max. Lat.: 26d34'55.97"N Max. Lon.: 19d 0'25.65"W Central Longitude: 19d22'56.60"W DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 5.9 m/px SITE B DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES G04_019598_2038_XN_23N018W J04_046314_2036_XN_23N018W Extents: Min. Lat.: 22d12'47.69"N Min. Lon.: 19d14'14.95"W Max. Lat.: 24d54'26.52"N Max. Lon.: 18d28'27.58"W Central Longitude: 18d51'19.39"W DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 5.5 m/px SITE C DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES B02_010301_2200_XN_40N003W J03_045865_2199_XN_39N003W Extents: Min. Lat.: 39d 4' 9.66"N Min. Lon.: 3d29' 5.50"W Max. Lat.: 40d20'37.43"N Max. Lon.: 2d38'20.63"W Central Longitude: 3d 3'42.60"W DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 6.4 m/px SITE D DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES G23_027258_2161_XN_36N345W P22_009773_2164_XN_36N345W Extents: Min. Lat.: 13d58' 6.97"E Min. Lon.: 13d58'30.48"E Max. Lat.: 36d33'57.73"N Max. Lon.: 14d44'20.79"E Central Longitude: 14d21'12.89"E DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 5.6 m/px SITE E DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES F20_043660_2024_XI_22N287W P15_007055_2019_XN_21N287W Extents: Min. Lat.: 20d16'46.40"N Min. Lon.: 72d18' 0.59"E Max. Lat.: 23d18'19.69"N Max. Lon.: 73d 4'49.97"E Central Longitude: 72d41'23.23"E DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 5.4 m/px SITE F DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES D02_028179_2089_XI_28N286W G21_026557_2089_XN_28N286W Extents: Min. Lat.: 27d 3'12.60"N Min. Lon.: 72d45'10.37"E Max. Lat.: 30d15' 5.62"N Max. Lon.: 73d42'54.70"E Central Longitude: 73d14' 2.14"E DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 5.5 m/px SITE G DEM/DRG RASTERS MRO CTX SOURCE IMAGES D04_028957_2063_XN_26N284W J05_046772_2064_XN_26N284W Extents: Min. Lat.: 23d32'58.90"N Min. Lon.: 75d 5'50.56"E Max. Lat.: 28d45'56.42"N Max. Lon.: 76d18'21.11"E Central Longitude: 75d42' 4.74"E DEM/DRG Spatial Resolution: 5.5 m/px REFERENCES For analysis performed with these Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), see the following publications. DEM creation was funded by the Mars Data Analysis Program Grant Number: 80NSSC19K0044 P.L. Whelley, M.A. Matiella Novak, J.A. Richardson, J.E. Bleacher, K. Mach, and R.N. Smith. Stratigraphic Evidence for Early Martian Explosive Volcanism in Arabia Terra. In Preparation. doi: tk P.L. Whelley, M.A. Matiella Novak, J.A. Richardson, and J.E. Bleacher. Arabia Terra Layered Deposit Stratigraphy and Distribution: Evidence for Early Martian Explosive Volcanism?. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2019. The Woodlands, TX, p. Abstract 1085. PROCESSING NOTES - Ames Stereo Pipeline v 2.6.0 was used to extract an elevation model and an orthoimage in GeoTIFF format. - Processing steps used USGS ISIS Version - CTX DEMs were aligned to the martian aeroid with Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Precision Experiment Data Records within the spatial footprint of the CTX DEM. - Rasters are in Sinusoidal Projection with a Central Longitude corresponding to the individual raster's center. KNOWN ARTIFACTS These are known artifacts present in most stereophotogrammetric elevation models. Artifacts present in this DEM might include Faceted areas in regions where original photographs were low contrast or dark and noise resulting from not-optimal camera look angles. These data are archived with no guarantee that they will have sufficient accuracy for every possible investigation. PRODUCT NAMING CONVENTION The naming convention for DEMs is: CTX_DEM_xxxxxx_yyAzzzB.tif where - CTX_DEM = indicating it's a CTX DEM product - xxxxxx = words specifying the sitename (a-g; up to 6 characters) - yyy = center latitude to the nearest degree - A = N for northern hemisphere, S for southern hemisphere - zzzz = center longitude to the nearest degree. - B = E for east of meridian, W for west of meridian Example: CTX_DEM_SITE-Y_28N120E.tif is a CTX DEM of Site Y located at latitude=28N, longitude=120E. ORTHO-RECTIFIED IMAGE PRODUCTS For each CTX DEM, we also produce ortho-rectified images (Digital Raster Graphics; DRG) with Ames Stereo Pipeline. The naming convention for these products is CTX_DEM_xxxxxx_yyAzzzB_DRG.tif, following details above. COPYRIGHT As the development of these data was funded by the United States Government, this dataset is in the public domain within the United States. Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights in this work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.