The image data is provided in ASCII format and can be imported by any imaging software including ORIGIN, MatLab, SPIP, WSxM(free software) … The image data of Fig. 2 is structured as 1000x402 regular matrices where each entry is the LSM photoresponse in Volts. The x step size is 4.8 * 10E-3 \Phi_{DC} / \Phi_{0}, and the y step size is 0.025 GHz. Note: The zero position x=0 is the DC flux level of -2.3 \Phi_{DC} / \Phi_{0} while the zero position y=0 is corresponding to 9 GHz. The image data of Figs. 3 and 4 structured as 300x300 regular matrices where each entry is the LSM photoresponse in Volts. Both x and y step size correspond to 8.3 microns. ORIGIN visualization of the image files (example) - importing data: File=> Import=> Single ASCII…=> FIG_2_2D.dat. - creating matrix: Worksheet=> Convert to matrix=> Direct. - plotting image: Plot=> Image Plot. - Switching of a Speed Mode: Double click on Image=> layer1=> Size/Speed=>x=1000, y=420, Worksheet maximum points per curve=10000=> OK.