# MEG Data Each subject folder contains pre-processed data epochs (TSSS, 1-40 Hz FIR filter), with each epoch corresponding to presentation of a single one minute long stimulus. Epoch files are separated by condition (single speaker and two speakers). Events contained in the epochs indicate the condition; stimuli corresponding to each condition are listed in `conditions.txt` in the root folder. # Source Localization Each subject folder contains an `MRI scaling parameters.cfg` file. MRIs used in the published analysis are reconstructed by scaling the FreeSurfer fsaverage brain (distributed with FreeSurfer). This can be done using the `mne.scale_mri` function. Each subject folder contains a `subject-trans.fif` file which contains the coregistration between MEG sensor space and (scaled) MRI space, which is used to compute the forward solution. # Predictor Variables The `stimuli` folder contains all predictor variables stored in `*.mat` files, using the same sampling rate as MEG epoch files. The `conditions.txt` file in the root folder lists the stimulus that weas presented for each MEG event trigger value. The `foreground` column lists the stimulus that was attended to. The `background` column lists the stimulus that was presented as distractor, i.e. the unattended stimulus, or `none` in the single speaker condition. The `mix` condition lists the audio file and auditory predictors corresponding to mix of foreground and background, or `none` in the single speaker condition.