The deposited data sets contain: 1) Simulated spike trains from a network of interacting neurons 2) Two-photon calcium imaging data from the mouse auditory cortex (Kanold Lab, UMD) 3) Single-unit spike data from the ferret auditory and prefrontal cortices (Neural Systems Lab, UMD) We have included both the .csv and .mat formats of each data set, which are accessible by Microsoft Excel and MATLAB, respectively. These data are used in the following article: A. Sheikhattar, S. Miran, J. Liu, J. B. Fritz, S. A. Shamma, P. O. Kanold, and B. Babadi (2018). Extracting neuronal functional network dynamics via adaptive Granger causality analysis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2018 ( and are disseminated for public use in the spirit of easing reproducibility. The MATLAB implementation of the algorithms used in this work are deposited on Github at Analysis. Descriptions: DataSim_OriginalRun.csv and DataSim_OriginalRun.mat: simulated data used in Fig. 3. Simulated binary spike trains for 8 neurons were generated synthetically using the dynamic GLM model described section Applications: A Simulated Example. FluorescenceTraces_2Pdata_cell.csv and FluorescenceTraces_2Pdata.mat: experimental data used in Fig. 5, containing raw fluorescence traces of 2P data corresponding to the cell bodies for a subset of 20 selected cells. FluorescenceTraces_2Pdata_neuropil.csv: experimental data used in Fig. 5, containing raw fluorescence traces of 2P data corresponding to the neuropil for a subset of 20 selected cells. SpikesInferred_Foopsi.csv and SpikesInferred_Foopsi.mat: inferred spike trains obtained from the 2P data via the constrained-foopsi technique. Spikes_SingleUnits_FerretData.csv and Spikes_SingleUnits.mat: experimental data used in Fig. 6, containing the single-unit spiking activity of the 9 units during the whole experiment. Stimuli_TORCs_FerretData.csv and Stimuli_TORCs.mat: the corresponding acoustic stimuli used in the experiment of Fig. 6. Spikes_SingleUnits_FerretData_SI.csv and Spikes_SingleUnits_SI.mat: experimental data used in Fig. S17 (SI Appendix), containing the single-unit spiking activity of the 8 units during the whole experiment. Stimuli_TORCs_FerretData_SI and Stimuli_TORCs_SI.mat: the corresponding acoustic stimuli used in the experiment of Fig. S17.