The file names are codified as follows: TLND-X-Y-n-N-a-A-p-P-d-D-e-E.dat X: takes values I and II. I = instances of the RRTLND , II = instances of the RRTLStT. Y: takes values A, B, C and D, corresponding to 4 different random seeds used to create the instances. N: Number of nodes. A: Corresponds to the value of $\alpha$, used to control the density (number of edges) of the graph. P: Corresponds to the value of $\pi$, used to define the set primary nodes in each scenario. D: Corresponds to the value of $\beta$, used to define the upgrade cost. E: Corresponds to the value of $\epsilon$, used to define the second-stage recovery cost. (Note that for the Scale-Free instances, the name of the instances are given by TLND-SC-X-Y-n-N-a-A-p-P-d-D-e-E.dat.) For example: TLND-I-C-n-50-a-0.6-p-10-d-1-e-3.dat This is an instance for the RRTLND, of class G, with 50 nodes, $\alpha = 0.6$, $\pi = 10\%$, $\beta = 1$ and $\epsilon = 3$. The instance files can be interpreted as follows. N, D, E, P, are as defined above. M is the number of edges. # Num nodes: N # Num edges: M scenarios 500 delta D epsilon E factores P 0 node #name y x K 0 184.67 0.41 1 // this is the root node, the x-coordinate is 184.67, the y-coordinate is 0.41 1 . . . 1 1 265 63.34 0 // this is the 1-st node, the x-coordinate is 265, the y-coordinate is 63.34 1 . . //There are 500 entries for the K value for each node, 1 means that the node is a primary one in the k-th scenario and 0 means it is not. . 0 ... n y_n x_n 0 1 . . . 1 link #name src tgt b a r 0 0 8 716 1432 2864 . . . t i j c_ij b_ij r_ij//the t-th edge connects nodes i and j, the secondary cost is c_ij, upgrade cost is b_ij and recovery cost is r_ij . . . m u v c_uv b_uv r_uv For the instances of the RRTLStT we provide the set of terminal nodes as list: primary #name 1 3 . . . T