MYCBCL.csv contains demographic information and the answers to the 1.5-5 years version of the CBCL for each subject. MYCBCL.csv is a subset of questionnaire data collected via Qualtrics. Lure_discrimination_indices.csv contains responses of each subject to the MST, including calculated lure discrimination indices, target hits and false alarms. lure_discrimintion_indices.csv is processed data collected via PsychoPy and processed in MATLAB before being uploaded into a csv. CBCL_script_MUNSHELL.R is the script for the internalizing and externalizing subscales and combines MST and subscale data for the final subject pool in dataframe df2. t.tests and linear regressions are computed for the variables of interest within df2. raw_scores_CBCL.R calculates the raw scores for the individual subscales of the CBCL (emotionally reactive, anxious depressed, somatic complaints, withdrawn, attention problems and aggressive behavior) and the internalizing and externalizing subscale raw scores. In CBCL_script_MUNSHELL.R MST2 = lure discrimination index on first completion of MST, Targets_Hit2 = percent targets hit on first completion of MST, Foils_FA2 = percent foils falsely accepted (false alarm) on first completion of MST, EB2 = externalizing behavior score, IB2 = internalizing behavior score. f at the end of a variable indicates female and m indicates male. In raw_scores_CBCL.R correcteder indicates raw scores for emotionally reactive final sample subscale, correctedad is rawscores for ansious depressed, correctedsc is raw scores for somatic complaints, correctedw is raw scores for withdrawn, correctedap is raw scores for attention problems, correctedab is raw scores for aggressive behavior, correctedib is raw scores for internalizing behaviors and correctedeb is raw scores for externalizing behaviors. Packages used for CBCL_script_MUNSHELL.R : psych ggplot2 ggthemes rstatix ISwR lm.beta Re-use with permission only. Funding source and grant number: NICHD HD079518 Contact info: