Uncovering Critical Considerations: Using a Culturally Relevant Analysis to Reveal Teachers' Diversity and Equity Beliefs within Visions and Practice

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The primary purpose of this study was to examine teachers' beliefs about diversity and equity through a culturally relevant analysis of their visions of teaching and practice. The secondary purpose was to identify how centrally located these beliefs were within their visions. Participants included a Black British female second grade teacher, a White Cajun-American male pre-kindergarten and a White American female art teacher within one public elementary school in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Using qualitative case study methodology, participants' visions and practices were collected through individual interviews and observations of teaching over the course of one unit of study. Data included interview transcripts, observational field notes and teaching artifacts (e.g., lesson plans, student work). Using Atlas.ti Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) software, data were analyzed using teacher vision and culturally relevant teaching (CRT) frameworks. Both open and a priori codes were assigned to data for each case analysis. Findings reveal underlying positive beliefs for all three teachers as evidenced by the presence of culturally relevant elements in their visions and practice. All teachers also held these elements centrally within their visions of teaching and their practice. The framework for this study as well as its findings demonstrate how vision and CRT may be used to reveal underlying asset rather than deficit teacher beliefs about students.

